64 research outputs found

    Museums and Workers: Negotiating industrial heritage in the former Yugoslavia

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    Nakon dvaju desetljeća odbacivanja i delegitimizacije socijalističkog nasljeđa u državama sljednicama Jugoslavije vidljivi su sve veći napori da se određeni aspekti povijesti industrijskog rada u socijalizmu interpretiraju kao kulturna baština i “muzealiziraju”. Članak se bavi napetostima, dvojbama i političkim implikacijama da je ono što se danas predstavlja industrijskim nasljeđem još uvijek dio proživljenog iskustva nekoliko naraštaja na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije. Pri tome smatram ključnim pitanje predstavljanja socijalističkog industrijskog rada, odnosno koliko je prostora u muzejskim narativima dano članovima (nekadašnjih) radničkih zajednica, njihovim glasovima i osjećajima. Članak nastoji odgovoriti na sljedeća pitanja: Koliko se industrijska baština “u nastajanju” u postjugoslavenskim društvima izravno obraća industrijskim radnicima i ima li njihovu potporu? U kojoj mjeri utječe na svakodnevne prakse i načine legitimnosti zajednica u (post)industrijskim gradovima u bivšoj Jugoslaviji? I konačno, što za ljude koji su sudjelovali u izgradnji i oblikovanju tih prostora i povijesti industrijskoga rada u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji znače pozivi na solidarnost koji su često vezani uz te iste prostore koji se danas pretvaraju u objekte industrijske baštine?The article discusses tensions, ambiguities, and political implications of the fact that what is nowadays negotiated as industrial heritage is still part of the lived experience of several generations of men and women in the former Yugoslavia. It argues that the issues of representation of industrial labor essentially have to do with the place given to the working communities, their members as well as their voices and affects in the museum narratives

    Croatian Memories : speech, meaning and emotions in a collection of interviews on experiences of war and trauma

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    In this contribution we describe a collection of approximately 400 video interviews recorded in the context of the project Croatian Memories (CroMe) with the objective of documenting personal war-related experiences. The value of this type of sources is threefold: they contain information that is missing in written sources, they can contribute to the process of reconciliation, and they provide a basis for reuse of data in disciplines with an interest in narrative data. The CroMe collection is not primarily designed as a linguistic corpus, but is the result of an archival effort to collect so-called oral history data. For researchers in the fields of natural language processing and speech analysis this type of life-stories may function as an 'objet trouvé' containing real-life language data that can prove to be useful for the purpose of modelling specific aspects of human expression and communication

    Strain typing with ISLpl1 in lactobacilli

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    Twenty-seven Lactobacillus plantarum ssp. plantarum, 11 Lactobacillus paraplantarum and five Lactobacillus casei-related strains, isolated from various autochthonous Serbian and Montenegro-fermented foods, were identified using phenotypical characterization and current PCR methods based on PCR of the recA gene or the 23S-5S rRNA gene intragenic spacer (IS) region. The strains were genotypically characterized by a new method based on the insertion sequence element ISLpl11 that grouped these lactobacilli into 10 IS-fingerprinting groups. Between six and 23 copies of the ISLpl1 were found in each strain and the ISLpl1-fingerprint groups correlated well with the origin of the strains. The method proved suitable for strain typing of lactic acid bacteria at the infraspecies level

    In vitro interaction between Agrimonia eupatoria L. extracts and antibiotic

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    Synergistic activity between water, acetone, ethanol and diethyl ether extract of Agrimonia eupatoria L. and commonly used antibiotic (ampicillin) were evaluated. Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were used. Interaction between plant extracts and antibiotic were tested by checkerboard method and expressed as fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) index showed indifferent, additive and synergistic effects. Synergism was observed against E. coli for every combination of agents. FICI values were ranged from 0.03 to 0.29. Inhibitory concentration (IC50) was evaluated for every combination of tested extracts and antibiotic and the best combinations for every tested bacteria were combination of diethyl ether extract + ampicillin and combination of acetone extract + ampicillin

    Quality assessment, antimicrobial activity organic sunflower honey and use of Maldi-tof mass spectrometry for the identification bacteria isolated from honey

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the physicochemical parameters of quality, microbiological safety and antimicrobial potential of four samples of organic sunflower honey from the Banat area (northeastern Serbia). Humidity, ash, pH, free acidity, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural content, sugar content and diastase activity were measured. Microbiological analysis revealed the presence of total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, coliforms, aerobic endospores, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and a good number of molds and yeasts. The isolate identification was carried out using Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The antimicrobial effect of organic sunflower honey was investigated on five ATCC strains of bacteria: Staphilococcus aureus ATCC 29213; Escherichia coli ATCC 25922; Salmonella enterica ATCC 10708; Yersinia enterocolitica ATCC 23715; and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 23857. The results of the study showed that all honey samples meet international quality standards for all physicochemical parameters. Microbiological analysis of Sunflower honey confirmed the total bacterial counts for all samples ranged from1.80 to 1.85 x10-2cfu/g-1, whereby no presence Clostridium spp., coliform bacteria, as well as molds was detected. Investigation of the antimicrobial activity of honey samples revealed that all bacteria showed clear zones of inhibition in honey concentrations of 40-100%, which is a satisfactory result for flower honey

    Effect of water activity on the radial growth of fungi isolated from dry-cured sheep ham, in vitro (Serbia)

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    In the Western Balkans, traditional dry-cured sheep ham called Pastrma or Stelja is produced. Dry-cured sheep ham from Sjenica is produced in a very complex manner, and a prerequisite for its production is the sanitary safety of raw materials in accordance with veterinary and sanitary regulations. Isolation and preliminary identification of fungi from sheep ham were carried out in this study, as well as in vitro testing of the effects of water activity (aw) on the growth of isolated fungi. Fungi were isolated from 9 samples of dry-cured sheep meat taken from three households in the area of Sjenica in two productive years (2015 and 2016). Species of genus Penicillium were isolated as dominant in all the investigated samples. Water activity was tested on MY50GF agar from the series of malt extract yeast extract glucose fructose agar. Water activity was set to values of 0.87, 0.89, and 0.97. The results of the research showed that the growth of fungal colonies is under the direct influence of water activity. Fungi grew fastest at water activity of 0.97, and the highest growth of all tested species was recorded after 3 (A. niger), 7 (P. patulum), and 10 days (A. nidulans).Publishe

    The influence of environmental factors on the planktonic growth and biofilm formation of Escherichia coli

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    In this study, the effects of environmental factors (different media, temperature, pH, salt and sugar concentrations) on the planktonic growth, biofilm formation and formed biofilm of Escherichia coli KGPMF 16 and Escherichia coli KGPMF 17 were investigated. Tested bacteria were isolated from traditionally made cheese produced in Southeastern Serbia (Sokobanja region). The influence on planktonic growth, biofilm formation and formed biofilm was determined using spectrophotometric method. The limiting factors for the planktonic growth and biofilm formation were temperature of 4 °C and all tested concentrations of salt. The growth of tested bacteria was higher in media enriched with lactose than in media containing glucose. TSB was more congenial media to the planktonic growth of bacteria than MHB broth. None of the tested bacteria demonstrated the ability to form biofilm at 4 °C and 44 °C. Only E. coli KGPMF 17 showed ability to form biofilm in TSB at 37 °C. Different concentrations of salt, glucose and lactose exhibited inhibitory effect on biofilm formation, but all tested concentrations of lactose showed stimulating effect on formed biofilm of E. coli KGPMF 17. These results contribute to better understanding of the effects of environmental factors on the development of E. coli in cheese.Publishe

    Duvan chvarci : product characterization and comparison between traditional and industrial production

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    Research Areas: Food Science & TechnologyThis research aimed to investigate and compare traditional products called “duvan chvarci” produced using pork meat and fat, originated from local households and industries. Physical and chemical analysis demonstrated differences among the examined products, mostly in total chloride content and TBARS values. Samples collected at local households showed finer color (higher lightness and yellowness) and sensory properties (rated as “extremely acceptable”), while industrial products were rated between “very acceptable” and “extremely acceptable“. Microbiological analysis exhibited that enterobacteria, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., and fungi were absent from all meat products. Dominant microbiota was identified as Lactobacillus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. All tested isolates showed γ-haemolysis on blood agar plates. Tested Staphylococcus spp. were sensitive to novobiocin while Lactobacillus isolates demonstrated sensitivity to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, erythromycin, tetracycline, gentamycin, and streptomycin. None of the tested isolates showed full resistance to antibiotics. Overall, results indicated that duvan chvarci is a microbiologically safe product and provided the initial evidence regarding the physical, chemical, technological, and sensory properties of this widely consumed product in the Balkans.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio